C、D、F 地块包括文化南路东侧(F 地块)和西侧的湖区(D 地块)、主入口区(C地块)。F 地块有较好的一片林带,原本不在园区内,此次设计将其一并考虑进来,作为公园的扩建部分。并作为城市绿色通道,起到连接其他城市公共绿地不可缺少的重要组成部分。此外,西区的 C,D 地块如何处理好现状与设定空间的关系也是此次公园改造设计需要解决的课题。
首先文化路东侧的 F 地块借助原有的林地,在较稀疏的林地做适当的微地形起伏,营造漫步的行走动线,相适设置停留小歇的休憩空间,只在北端开辟了一处迷宫。设计力求最大程度的保留现状树。并尽量淡化流动与停留空间的界线,使之以同一种形式出现。在这里原生、凝静与流动、期盼并存:林下空间的多重利用。其次,西侧的湖区力求对文化路敞开,结合次轴线将高差通过相对规整的台地形式,完成游线的转换,并通过游线高差将沿湖步道设置成自然曲线的下沉空间,使临水空间相对独立,同时将湖区北侧的 C 地块做成完全无装饰的开放“空地”,以完成场所收放的空间转换。在这里繁琐、丰富与极简、单纯并存:场所空间的多重体验。最后,C 地块的主入口空间尽可能突出整然的礼仪感,将广场路的端点作为主入口的起点,并将其引导至北侧的主入口轴线上,开敞的绿植空间及序列的种植形式,力求有别公园现状空间的自然表现。差异性是此地块的设计宗旨。在这里韵律、程序与空白、宽松并存,空间形式的强化表现。
下沉的湖区营造复层的空间体验;3 处湖心岛传统寄托的延续;借势收放的东侧 F 地块的林下步道融合“通过”与“停留”的两种行为空间;迷宫满足了儿童对未知的挑战;文化路两侧的微地形起起伏与高低错落地被种植,非常规的城市道路景观;镶嵌在无序折墙中的自然整石,强化主入口空间的存在;12 组花坛兼座椅的台式种植彰显入口轴线的序列感;迷宫中央高 15 米的铁塔满足功能要求的同时,又起到连接西区 C,D 地块视觉景观的需求。
C、D、F 地块中的就林置路,就坡置绿,就坦置敝,就整置序,均遵循这样一种设计原则——并存中的共享。
项目名称:设计从属场地——新疆博乐人民公园(C、D、F 地块)
设计单位:R-land 北京源树景观规划设计事务所
方案设计:章俊华 白祖华 张鹏 王朝举
扩初设计:章俊华 王朝举 王宏禄 张莹 张广伟
施工设计:章俊华 胡海波 于沣 马爽 杨晓辉 李薇 景思维 王昆 刘敬一 张全
电气、水专业:杨春明 徐飞飞 李松平 侯书伟
建筑:袁琳、宋丽莹 结构:徐珂 宋正刚 马爱武
设计时间:2012 年 4 月——2012 年 12 月
竣工时间:2015 年 07 月
英文校对:琳赛·洛特(Lindsay Rutter
Firstly, by drawing on support from the original forests on F block in the eastern section of Wenhua Road, we have attempted to create an appropriate micro landscape transformation in a relatively sparse woodland to create a suitable walking circuit for casual strolling. Several leisure areas will also be set aside whereby tourists will be able to rest and a maze of recreational areas will be designed to the north of the whole site. The design demands the maximising and retention of the current status of the trees whilst diluting the boundaries between the traffic areas and the quiet spaces. Here the elements of the original, the static and flowing areas are all seeking to coexist to pursue the multiple use of tree shaded spaces.
Secondly, we have strived to open the west side of the lake area to Wenhua Road combining a secondary axis of related structured platforms to complete the conversion of the walking circuit. A waterfront footpath has been set in an area of subsidence following a natural curved line and continuing through an elevated tour line making the waterfront space relatively independent. C Block on the northern side of the lake has become an open space with little or no embellishment in an attempt to give an air of spaciousness to the site. Here we have elements of richness and simplicity, complexity and minimalisation all seeking to coexist and emphasise the multiple experiences that can be achieved from the site.
Finally, the space at the main entrance of C Block has been designed to retain its outstanding natural etiquette as much as possible. The starting point for the main entrance will be at the end of Plaza Road and will follow a direction north along the axis of the main entrance. Areas of open green space with planting in a sequential form bring a difference to the former park status. Creating a difference was the design purpose for this block. Here there is a rhythm and a loose essence combining to shape the space and enhance its performance.
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